Sponsored by the Texas Chiropractic Association (TCA)
PACE Course I.D. #: 8031
Chiropractic CE That Won't Break The Bank!
Save $ with these CE courses that are accepted by Chiropractic Boards in states with PACE approval by the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB).
On-Demand CE As Low As
Choose from a comprehensive selection of over 50 CE hours of on-demand or live webinars that can be accessed on any device.
Each Online Chiropratic CE course is an hour-long video that will count for CE credit in many states.
Sit back, relax, and start completing online Chiropractic CEUs today!

Guide for Online Chiropractic CE Requirements
Part 1:
Chiropractic CE Basics
General rules and requirements for Chiropractic Continuing Education
Chiropractic Continuing Education Information and Guidelines
Doctors of chiropractic throughout the United States are required to take continuing education hours to maintain their active license and to remain eligible for future re-licensure.

In certain states, continuing ed credits must be acquired every year, but other state boards have CE deadlines every 2 or 3 years. Chiropractors shall attest to having completed all of the required CEUs when they renew their license.
Chiropractic State Licensing Boards also often require licensees to submit a CE Certificate to provide proof of continuing education attendance for live seminars, webinars and online chiropractic CE coursework.
Please Note: Submission of CE Certificates to Chiropractic State Licensing Boards is the sole responsibility of each attendee who has completed coursework through DCcourses.com.
DCcourses.com In-Person Seminar and Live Webinar Schedule & Refund Policy
All in-person seminar and live webinar dates and locations listed on this website are subject to change at any time.
DCcourses.com reserves the right to cancel or adjust any listed seminar or webinar dates, times, locations, and formats.
A 100% full refund of your seminar or webinar fee will be provided if any DCcourses.com seminar or webinar listed herein is cancelled.
If you have paid for a DCcourses.com seminar or webinar but are subsequently unable to attend for any reason, a 100% full refund will be issued back to your payment account immediately upon request.​
Part 2:
Online Chiropractic CE Rules
Chiropractic Board rules and requirements for continuing education hours
Specific rules for online chiropractic CE hours can be quite different for each Chiropractic Licensing Board.
For example, some states have mandated that all required continuing education courses must be attended in-person at a live seminar event. Other states have rules that allow chiropractors to take all of their required CE hours with webinars or online classes that are self-paced and on-demand.
The vast majority of Chiropractic Boards allow a mix of in-person seminars and online chiro credit.
DCcourses.com follows the strict online continuing education guidelines of state Chiropractic Boards, and as such, the online video courses cannot be skipped or fast-forwarded. There is a 5 question test/quiz at the end of each online course.
Each video is organized into seminar "chapters" that can also be used as stopping points if you don't have time to watch that particular 60-minute video in one sitting. Your progress will be saved each time you view a video chapter.
You will not be required to start the entire video over if you need to turn your computer off before the end of the video. You will be able to start back up at the video chapter you were watching when you closed out of your web browser.
Each pre-recorded video course is time-based and counts as 1 CE hour. All of these online courses are accessible 24/7.
Part 3:
Mandatory CE Topics
Continuing Education requirements for specific mandatory topics
Does your state require specific mandatory CE topics?
Many states require a certain number of mandatory continuing ed coursework, so please contact us if you have any questions about required topics such as risk management, ethics, documentation, X-ray, CPR, coding and administrative rules related to the chiropractic profession.
Requirements can vary greatly across the country, so please review your state board's licensing rules on mandatory CE topics. Specific board rules can often be found on each state's website under the "Continuing Education" tab, however, it is often helpful to check the board website's "News" page for the latest Chiropractic licensure rules updates and changes.
A list of continuing education requirements for state Chiropractic Boards can be found at the bottom of this web page.
Part 4:
CE Certificate
Receive your CE certifcate from the Texas Chiropractic Association
Will your Chiropractic Board accept these online hours?
If your state is listed on our state approvals page, then PACE approved CEUs are accepted for online continuing education credit.
Many state Chiropratic Boards accept CE courses from PACE approved providers. Continuing Education courses found on DCcourses.com are sponsored by the Texas Chiropractic Association, which is a PACE approved provider.
CE Certificates for all attendees (from across all PACE approved states) are processed in one batch at the end of each month by the Texas Chiropractic Association (TCA). CE certificates are then emailed to each individual attendee during the first two weeks of the following month.
Chiropractic online seminar courses on DCcourses.com are organized to meet many state Chiropractic Board licensing requirements for distance learning, but state board requirements are subject to change without notice.
For additional information and to learn more about seminar requirements, please contact your state board directly for current continuing education rules and regulations.
Online CE Course Registration Options
View Available Online Courses
Step 1: Click "Add to Cart"
​Step 2: Select the quantity of online CE hours
Step 3: We will email simple login instructions
Online Chiropractic Continuing Education Bundles
Online: 5 Hour Online Chiropractic CE Bundle #1 for $50
Online: 10 Hour Online Chiropractic CE Bundle #2 for $90
Online: 20 Hour Online Chiropractic CE Bundle #3 for $180
Online: 30 Hour Online Chiropractic CE Bundle #4 for $270
Frequently Asked Questions
When do these online courses start and finish?
These online Chiropractic CE courses are pre-recorded and are accessible immediately upon registration! Each online course is completely self-paced. You decide when to start and finish.
Will online chiropractic courses on DCcourses.com count for CE credit?
Each online course is sponsored by the Texas Chiropractic Association, which is a PACE approved provider of continuing education classes. These courses will count for chiropractic CE credit in states that approve PACE.
How can I view these online chiropractic CE courses?
Each online course can be viewed on most devices that have an internet connection. Smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers should all be able to play each online CE course.
Are Chiropractic Board Requirements Subject to Change?
Chiropractic Board continuing education requirements are subject to change without notice. Mandatory continuing education topics are required by certain state Chiropractic Boards to fulfill CE requirements. Monitor your Board's rules.
List of State Board Chiropractic CE Requirements
(Total CE Hours Required, Hours Allowed Online, Mandatory Topic Hours)
Please Note:
State Chiropractic Board licensing rules and requirements are subject to change at any time. The information listed below may no longer be accurate.
Always contact your specific state Chiropractic Board(s) and/or check your state Chiropractic Board's website for the most up to date licensing rules and requirements regarding continuing education.
32 CEU requirement per 2 years
(16 CEUs allowed On-Demand)
8 X-ray, 2 Coding/Documentation, 2 Ethics/Boundaries and 2 CPR required
15 CEU requirement each year
(5 CEUs allowed On-Demand plus 10 CEUs allowed with a Live Webinar)
4 Documentation/Record Keeping required per 2 years
48 CEU requirement per 2 years
(All 48 CEUs allowed On-Demand)
1 Ethics, 1 Lyme Disease, 1 Informed Consent/Patient Communications, 1 Medical Marijuana, 1 Risk Management, 1 Connecticut Law and Regulations and 1 Manual Therapies for chronic pain/management of patients during opioid crisis
District of Columbia
30 CEU requirement per 2 years
(All 30 CEUs allowed On-Demand)
3 Communicable Diseases, 2 LGBTQ cultural competency and 5 Ethics, Risk, Documentation are required
18 CEU requirement each year
40 CEU requirement per 2 years
(20 CEUs allowed On-Demand)
2 Ethics/Boundaries and 1 Iowa Code/Board Rules are required
50 CEU requirement each year
(All 50 CEUs allowed On-Demand)
100-15-5. Continuing education requirement for Kansas
(a)(1) Each person who is licensed to practice a branch of the healing arts and who is required to submit proof of completion of continuing education as a condition to renewing a license shall certify, on a form provided with the license renewal application, one of the following:
(A) During the 18-month period immediately preceding the license expiration date, the person completed at least 50 credits of continuing education, of which at least 20 credits shall be in category I and the remaining credits in category II. -
(B) During the 30-month period immediately preceding the license expiration date, the person completed at least 100 credits of continuing education, of which at least 40 credits shall be in category I and the remaining credits in category II. -
(C) During the 42-month period immediately preceding the license expiration date, the person completed at least 150 credits of continuing education, of which at least 60 credits shall be in category I and the remaining credits in category II.
All online CE courses on DCcourses.com meet the requirements for Category 1 hours for a Kansas chiropractic license
48 CEU requirement per 2 years (36 Category 1 & 12 Category 2)
(12 Category 2 CEU hours can be taken online)
48 CEU requirement per 2 years
(All 48 CEUs allowed On-Demand)
3 Communicable Disease (Including AIDS/HIV), 3 Risk Management, 1 Diversity Education, 1 Jurisprudence, and Certification of Healthcare Provider Level CPR from the Red Cross or American Heart Association is required
12 CEU requirement each year
(All 12 CEUs allowed On-Demand)
20 CEU requirement each year
(All 20 CEUs allowed On-Demand)
3 X-ray or Imaging (Technical or Diagnostic) and 1 Professional Boundaries are required.
2 Acupuncture (Only if registered to perform acupuncture services)
6 Animal Chiropractic (If registered, these hours are in addition to 20 total hours required)
12 CEU requirement each year
(All 12 CEUs allowed On-Demand or Webinar)
4 hours of additional CE in Ethics and Boundaries are required every four years starting in 2017 with a random audit in 2021
No more than 2 Hours in Philosophy or Practice management are allowed per year
36 CEU requirement per 2 years
(6 CEUs allowed Online/On-Demand)
4 Technical Skills in X-ray or Adjustive techniques are required
4 HIV/Aids, Infectious Diseases; Boundary Training (Nebraska scope), Lab testing and Interpretation, Physical, Neurological and Orthopedic exam, Fraud prevention, Rehab, or Ethics are required
Board requirements are subject to change
New Jersey
30 CEU requirement per 2 years
(18 CEUs allowed via Live Webinar and the remaining 12 CEUs allowed via On-Demand)
2 in the study of State laws and rules governing chiropractic professional ethics or recordkeeping and documentation as it pertains to the practice of chiropractic in New Jersey
2 in nutrition education
North Carolina
Board requirements are subject to change
North Dakota
20 CEU requirement each year
(All 20 CEUs allowed On-Demand)
4 hours in Professional Boundaries is required every 3 years
36 CEU requirement per 2 year
(All 36 CEUs allowed via Live Webinar)
2 Ethics and/or professionalism, human trafficking awareness, and/or laws and rules of the board are required
20 CEU requirement each year
(All 20 CEUs allowed On-Demand)
Puerto Rico
45 CEU requirement per 3 years
(15 CEUs allowed On-Demand)
3 Hours of Risk Management and 3 Hours of AIDS (Infectious Disease) are required
Rhode Island
60 CEU requirement per 3 years
(30 CEUs allowed via Live Webinar and the remaining 30 CEUs allowed via On-Demand)
South Carolina
Board requirements are subject to change
South Dakota
40 CEU requirement per 2 years
(All 40 CEUs allowed On-Demand)
1 hour of Sexual Boundaries is required
16 CEU requirement each year
(All 16 CEUs can be taken via live webinar; 10 can be taken with pre-recorded courses)
4 mandatory hours are required each year (1 of Risk Management & 3 of Ethics, Coding, Documentation and Record Keeping)
40 CEU requirement per 2 years
(10 CEUs allowed On-Demand)
24 CEU requirement per 2 years
(All 24 CEUs allowed On-Demand)
60 CEU requirement per 2 years
(30 Hours of Type 2 CE credit on DCcourses.com)
25 CEU requirement each year
(12 CEUs allowed On-Demand)
2 hours of Health Equity are required every 4 years
12 CEU requirement each year
(4 CEUs allowed On-Demand)
Reminder: State Chiropractic Board rules and requirements can change at any time, so frequently check your licensing board's website for updates.
Your state licensing board may also require a professional Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) certification from the American Heart Association. It is important to check your state(s) licensing rules because some boards will allow you to count CPR classes towards your credit requirements, but other boards consider CPR classes to be outside of the total CE requirements for each licensing cycle.
For further clarification, please contact your state licensing board directly to ensure that you are following all of rules and regulations set forth by each individual Chiropractic Board.