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Chiropractic CE Hours
for Iowa

online internet Chiropractic CE Seminars Continuing Education Courses

As low as $9 per CE hour

Iowa Chiropractic Continuing Education Seminar

Iowa Online Chiropractic CE Seminars

Iowa Chiropractic Seminar Dates (20 CE Hours In-Person)

These 40 CE Hours cover Iowa CE requirements, including 2 hours of Ethics & 1 hour of Iowa Code/Rules.

Any unused CE Hours will be saved for a future year if you don't need to use them in 2024.

A 100% full refund will be provided if you are unable to attend this seminar for any reason.

Iowa Chiropractic In-Person Seminar Hotel Locations

To Be Determined

All 40 CE Hours Are PACE-Approved For Iowa CE Credit 

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Iowa In-Person & Online Chiropractic Seminar Topics (40 CE Hours)

  • TMJ anatomy, physiology, dysfunction, examination, treatments, DDX

  • Rotator Cuff anatomy, physiology, dysfunction, examination, treatments, DDX

  • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome anatomy, physiology, examination, treatments, DDX

  • Radiographic interpretation of diagnostic imaging case studies

  • Analysis of risk factors and signs/symptoms of stroke and vertebral artery dissection (VAD)

  • Differential diagnosis and recognizing conditions not within the Chiropractic scope

  • The impact of excess body weight and obesity on the spine and other joints

  • Gut microbiome research & laboratory interpretation & gut effects on pain, inflammation, obesity

  • Obesogenic factors that contribute to referred body pain and biomechanical joint stress

  • Required 2 hours of Ethics and 1 hour of Iowa Code/Rules

Iowa CE Requirements

40 CE Hours per 2 years

(20 CE In-Person & 20 CE Online)

These 40 CE Hours are PACE-approved

The Iowa Chirpractic Board accepts PACE-Approved courses for all 40 CE Hours (see below)

Free Online Courses

You will get FREE acess to 20 CE Hours of Online courses when you register for this 20 CE Hour In-Person seminar

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